Common Types Of Pond Filters

Water quality is one of the essential factors to the long-term health of a pond or water garden. And, the health of a pond is critical to keep pond fish and plants healthy. In order to maintain pond water quality, especially ones that have fish, a pond filtration system is needed. THE PURPOSE OF A FILTER SYSTEM A pond filter system serves two purposes for...
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Part 2: How To Improve Your Outdoor Living Space

Your outdoor living space should be just as much of a place of solace as your indoor living space. If you don’t enjoy spending time in your yard, you may need some help in determining what you can do to make your outdoor living space a more enjoyable and comfortable space. In a previous blog, we began a list of the ways in which you...
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Part 1: How To Improve Your Outdoor Living Space

If you don’t love your outdoor living space as much as your indoor living space, you are missing out on utilizing valuable square footage that’s included with your home. While most people think of their home—the space that is boxed in by walls—as their place of refuge, there’s something that being outdoors can do for people that no interior space can ever provide. What most...
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Common Winter Pond Maintenance Mistakes

For pond owners, pond maintenance is always on their minds, especially during the warm summer months, when ponds are enjoyed the most. Many water garden and pond owners have the misunderstanding that once the temperatures drop, pond care is no longer necessary. The truth is, to maintain a beautiful and appealing pond, maintenance and care is required throughout the year, especially during the winter for...
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